Altius Group CEO, Derick Borean, shares his Top 5 priorities for optimising workplace health...
Emerging trends show workplace wellbeing programs shifting to centre stage. Taking time to plan ways to support employee physical, mental and social wellbeing now will reap rewards throughout 2019 and beyond, but make sure these programs are evidence based.
Connect employees experiencing personal injury, illness or disability to a free (government funded) program, Work Assist - for support, education and rehabilitation. I hear of many organisations struggling with this challenge, but help is at hand.
Adopt an early intervention approach to employees who have sustained an injury or illness. Early intervention is a critical factor in achieving great outcomes, read more.
Considerrunning a workplace resilience program for employees with high levels of job stress - investing in mental health leads to savings and benefits across your organisation.
Revise strategies to improve control of your workers compensation. Engaging external expertise in this area as opposed to managing workers compensation internally can free up valuable time and money amongst other benefits.