Career progression is important for most employees, but it isn’t always easy. It can be even more difficult after an injury or illness. But there are professionals who can help you progress and find a new job that is a good match.
When you haven’t moved jobs for years or if you’ve had months or years away from paid work, securing a job is daunting. You may want to know how to prepare a new resume and possibly how to approach your break in career.
It’s not just about a career transition, it’s also about career progression. You will make the most sensible career decisions if you ask yourself a few questions first.
Why? - People move jobs for a wide variety of reasons. Some are looking to improve their mental health. For others, it’s an opportunity to improve their physical health through improved sleep or a change in the tasks they do. Your main motivator may be career progression or growing your skillset so you can take the next step. Gaining new skills and experiences can give you the confidence you need to achieve your career goals in the future.
Write down the reasons why you want a new role. If you’re currently working, it may be that you don’t like the organisation or its culture. You might be bored with your role, or ready to pursue the next step in your career.
What? - What is it that you want to do? You might have a clear picture of this or you may have no idea. It’s okay to know that you want a change but are unsure of what that looks like. Conduct a self-assessment to help decide where you want to be in five or ten years and the steps you need to take to get there.
When? - Some workers have unrealistic goals for the short-term and don’t give enough thought to the long-term. Having unrealistic goals can set you up for failure. Use your short-term goals to work towards your end goal. Make gradual steps rather than expecting to achieve your big goal right now. Career transition for most takes time and patience.
If you’re having trouble self-assessing and answering your questions, Altius Group can help with a vocational assessment. Whether it's career transition, your future career or return to work direction, a professional assessment can help you get there.
Some workers aren’t sure which jobs will be suitable for them. They may have suffered an injury or serious illness and need a musculoskeletal or spinal assessment before a professional can advise them of their options for work. For others, pain education can help give them the confidence they need to take the leap and return to work.
Most people don’t know the variety of roles that are available. Not every role is advertised and even if your next role is, you may not be looking for the ad in the right place. Advice on options is invaluable. It can give you choices that you didn’t realise you had. Talking to friends and family can increase your knowledge about the workforce but a professional who offers job support every day may have the nugget of advice that you need most.
There’s free advice about transitioning to your next job online, but it’s probably not tailored to your situation. Customised job search support can help you take the steps you need for the next role and to know what the future steps needed will be.
The Altius Group Job Seeker Portal has a variety of online job searching resources available including training and education opportunities and community support resources.
The Altius Job Club provides access to job searching resources and tailored job searching support to help you navigate your way through your career change.
For those transitioning or returning to work after an injury or illness, or workers with a disability, there’s CIM Employment and Disability Employment Services. Finding meaningful and suitable work can be challenging, but help is available for job seekers, workers and employers to realise their potential for beneficial long term employment partnerships. A multidisciplinary team of allied health professionals means CIM can offer a holistic approach to a service that supports physical, mental and social health to workers and prospective workers.
Career transition can be a stressful time for anyone. Whether you’re returning to work or you’re already in a job, it can be one of life’s more stressful times. A new job comes with many unknowns. Will you be a good fit for the organisation’s culture? Will your new manager and colleagues like you? Do you have the experience or skill set to take on the role? In most cases, you won’t know the answers until you get there. If you’re leaving a job or lifestyle you enjoy, it can be difficult to take a leap of faith and make the change.
For a person who suffers from anxiety or depression, job searching can be extremely challenging. Having someone to coach you through the process and lend valuable advice can be what you need to get over the hurdle.
Career transitions can be tough, which is why it's important to ensure you access as much support as possible. We offer free access to career transition support and allied health services for those in a transition phase, with a focus on helping people with a disability, injury or health condition to obtain and maintain long-term employment. Contact us online or call 1800 258 487 for more information.