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Redefining Employee Assistance Programs: A Transparent and Clinically-Governed Approach

Written by Altius Group | Jun 13, 2024 11:00:45 PM

When it comes to workplace wellbeing, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are like your reliable partners in supporting employees through personal and professional challenges. However, traditional fixed-fee models are becoming obsolete with more providers and customers opting for the fee-for-service model.

In this article, you’ll learn how the fee-for-service model could help employees receive the high-quality care they deserve by prioritising transparency, clinical excellence, and personalised support. 

This method offers significant benefits:

1. Highly Transparent

Transparency is at the core of the approach. You know exactly what you’re getting—no hidden fees, no surprises.

2. High Clinical Governance

Clinical excellence is non-negotiable. PeopleSense by Altius believes that the quality of care should never be compromised. Our psychologist-led model emphasises rigorous internal supervision and adherence to evidence-based practices.

The Benefits of a Fee-for-Service EAP Model

EAP fee-for-service model benefits clients for two key reasons:

1. Tailored and Flexible Support

The fee-for-service model allows for flexible, personalised and thorough care. Each session can be tailored to the client's needs without the pressure to reduce session times or limit the number of sessions. This approach ensures that clients receive comprehensive and effective support.

2. Accountability and Quality

The model promotes accountability and quality by ensuring that each service provided is necessary and valuable. This can lead to better outcomes for clients as practitioners are motivated to deliver high-quality care consistently.

Challenging Assumptions

Let’s dispel a myth:

In order to treat EAP clients effectively, mental health practitioners need to have more than five years of expertise. It’s not always the case that using this arbitrary standard will produce superior results. Scott Miller’s research validates the use of psychologists in their early careers.

What, then, do businesses and organisations need when it comes to EAP?

1. Quality Care

Quality care takes time, and rushing interventions can compromise clinical outcomes. At PeopleSense by Altius, we encourage patience to achieve better results. We highly value timely communication and professionalism, ensuring our clients know they can rely on us when it matters most.

2. Access and Wait Times

In a survey conducted by the Australian Psychological Society (APS), results have shown that clients wait up to three months to see a psychologist, with some waiting longer than six months.

"Long wait times for mental health services can exacerbate distress and worsen outcomes," explains Mr. Darrin Brandis, Registered Psychologist and General Manager of PeopleSense by Altius. "That's why it's crucial for providers to ensure timely access to care."

Appointments at PeopleSense by Altius can be available within the week.

Psychologists from PeopleSense by Altius are based across all Australian capital cities and some regional areas. They also offer appointments via telephone or video call (telehealth).

Our psychologist-led approach places your wellbeing—and that of your employees—in safe hands. When organisations partner with us, they notice the difference. We’re a team committed to promoting mental health, growth, and resilience—not simply another EAP service.

Transparency, clinical excellence, and genuine care are being given priority at PeopleSense by Altius, which is rewriting the script for EAPs. Because wellbeing isn’t a fixed fee—it’s priceless.

Empower your team with the support they deserve. Contact us today to secure your EAP program and experience the difference that our transparent and clinically-governed EAP services can make for your organisation. You can also call 📱 1300 307 912.