The client was referred to Altius Group’s Recovery and Wellness Initiative (RAWI), diagnosed with generalised anxiety with adjustment disorder after a workplace incident. She had been job detached and unable to complete normal activities of daily living since this time.
The client lacked motivation and became severely deconditioned as a result of isolation and very minimal physical activity. When treatment commenced, the client was unable to walk more than 5 minutes and very rarely left the house. For various reasons associated with her condition, she reported an inability to cook, clean, drive or care for her 2 year old daughter, placing strain on her family life.
RAWI provided support and encouragement to assist with motivation and gradually increasing activity levels. Sessions were supervised in the local community, at a park or café to address isolation and provide graded exposure back into the community. A first step was to gradually build up her low walking tolerance.
Education was provided on the importance of regular activity and improving strength and fitness to participate in domestic tasks and social engagements. Strategies around pacing were implemented to facilitate a graded and sustainable recommencement of domestic tasks. A home exercise regime was established to improve strength and promote the development of routine, which the client reported to be consistent with.
Our purpose is to enable people to realise their health potential. We’re proud to bring this example of our purpose in action and to share the real tangible impact of our work each day on people, organisations and communities.
For further information on the RAWI program.