For those working from remotely from home due to travel restrictions and health risks, please take a moment to run through these 7 steps for optimal ergonomics:
Home Office Ergonomics Tips:
The simple act of sitting contributes to spinal compression. Team this with a poor posture, for a prolonged period, and you have recipe for muscle fatigue, stretching of ligaments and eventual tearing of intervertebral discs. Prolonged awkward postures are often static – this means limited movement of blood and therefore oxygen to the very body parts, often upper limbs and shoulders, being asked to perform constant and repetitive work.
The spine is a wonderful invention! Designed in an ‘S’ shape it functions to support an upright posture, protect organs, and give flexibility. When the spine is maintained in its natural curves, it will function at its best.
Home Office Ergonomic Assessments can ensure those working remotely benefit from good ergonomics. Altius Group helps individuals work safely from home by providing in house services, as well as ensure employers are meeting their WHS obligations to provide a safe work environment.