CIM Employment by Altius’ General Manager, Drew Reese, shares this message:
At CIM Employment we see the ability in everyone to gain independence and enjoy the health benefits of good work. We’re governed by the philosophy that everyone has the right to work. Our Disability Employment Services (DES) aim to support and improve a person’s capacity for work by providing holistic services to employers and people with injury, health conditions or disability through recruitment, return to work and employment support services.
We also encourage and support workplaces to support employees with a disability through the Work Assist program. Work Assist, free to eligible businesses, is designed to support employers with employees who are finding it difficult to fulfil the requirements of their role due to a disability.
CIM’s General Manager Employment, Drew Reese, encourages all employers to take a moment this IDPwD to explore the Australian Government’s Job Access website, where they’ll find a valuable toolkit of resources for employers relating to disability employment.
Drew says “I encourage HR Departments and Hiring Managers to view the short video lessons in the employer’s toolkit to become informed and empowered to take the steps to hire people with disability”.
For further information visit our CIM Employment page.