Did you know over the course of an average lifetime, up to 13 years and 2 months (or 4821 days) is spent at work. However, work has many benefits. According to the Royal Australian College of Physicians, these benefits include: Participation in physical activity; A sense of community and social inclusion and making a contribution to society; Structure and routine; Financial security and a Decreased likelihood of engagement in risky behaviours.
The State Insurance Regulatory Authority (2016-2017), published a total of 91,948 employment injuries or diseases were reported under the NSW Workers Compensation scheme. Of these injuries, the average time not spent at work was 11 weeks per injury.
That’s almost three months where injured workers were unable to engage in their normal working routines, quickly losing out on the valuable benefits of work. During this ‘lost time,’ injured workers quickly lose their conditioning and ability to perform their normal duties and enjoyable activities.
OccHealth by Altius recognises that rehabilitating injured workers is complex and understands this sustained disruption in each injured worker’s lives. With specialist experience, industry knowledge and evidence-based practice, we emphasise work as a primary focus of our holistic Work-Related Activity Treatment. We recognise that functional recovery extends beyond exercise programs.
Through an evidence-based, collaborative approach, our exercise physiologists provide physical, functional and behavioural solutions. These are combined with cost-effective strategies to match each injured worker with their specific workplace demands to encourage empowerment with their rehabilitation program, ultimately leading to sustainable and successful return to the workforce following an injury. The performance of meaningful activities specific to the injured worker’s job forms the basis of our treatment plans.
Workplace treatment sessions enable workers and their employers to identify hazards and risky behaviours within the work environment by placing the worker’s health and safety first. Our allied health professionals spend time at a workplace to:
Read about a client’s journey supported by Workplace Treatment Sessions.