Natural disasters such as bushfires are typically unexpected, sudden and overwhelming.
For the Australian community, the reach of this summer’s devastating fires has been far and wide, with many communities grappling with a longer, more intense bushfire season.
Significant loss has been felt – loss of lives, loss of livelihoods and loss of wildlife. Those not directly impacted have experienced grief for others and concern for the damage caused by the bushfires to our environment.
For many people, there are no outward signs of injury, but there can be an emotional toll. It is common for people who have experienced disaster to have strong emotional responses. Understanding normal responses to distressing events, and how to best to manage these responses, can help you cope effectively with your feelings, thoughts and behaviours, and help you along the path to recovery.
To support the community, PeopleSense by Altius will be hosting a free webinar for our partners to offer essential information to support your own and other’s recovery following a natural disaster.
To register your interest and receive access to the webinar, simply click here and complete your registration.