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Our client Kahli is proud to share their successful employment journey

Our client Kahli is proud to share their successful employment journey. Today Khali has been in employment for over one year and has been promoted to Shift Supervisor.

Kahli’s Story 

“As a person, as a job seeker, as somebody with both physical and mental disabilities, as an androgynous transitioning and ever-evolving person; there are many challenges I faced for many years through more than a dozen job providers and through almost double the amount of consultants and representatives. None have demonstrated the ability to assist me to get a job, hold it, and boost my confidence and ability to succeed.  

There are many wins and successes I've had in the last several years, and among the highest of those wins is meeting my consultant, Louise Thompson.  

An intelligent and compassionate woman who single-handedly taught me both about myself, my abilities, and how I can adapt to succeed; whilst also encouraging me to learn about myself first and hold myself to expectations second. A person who actively went out of their way to educate themselves on the LGBTIQ+ community, on mental and physical illness, on androgyny and gender spectrum personalities, but also to educate themselves about me as a person. I was never treated as just a number. I never felt pressured, pushed, coerced, or herded. I've only ever felt supported, loved, and cherished. We celebrated the wins and to paraphrase a favourite movie of mine "treat the disease, you'll often lose, but treat the person, and you'll win every time".  

That is what CIM Employment does. Every single person is treated as an individual, in their situations, their abilities, and what kind of support they need.  

We are here to help and are available to confidentially discuss your employment needs. Please contact us on 1800 258 487 or Register your Interest  

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